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Patrick McGinn
Nascido emUnited States
62 years
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Árvore Genealógica

It's Spring (3/19/09) in Utah.  My tulips and Daffodils are coming up, we are planning a wedding, Bradley is outside raking and hauling dirt and tonight I got the first 'dog' call of the season, the boys had run off.  Every year, as the days get longer and warmer, Colt and Buck start looking for our evening walks and the mountain, and they get so excited they can't stay home! 

When I was young, this time of year meant hours on Bear, running cloverleaf patterns in the alfalfa pasture next door, getting ready for the first rodeo of the season, and spending more time with Dad.  Dad took me to most of my rodeos, he loved pulling into those Utah High School rodeo grounds in his cadilac with the horse trailer tagging behind.  Always the rebel, he thought he made a better entrance than he would in a pickup truck!  He was somewhat of a snob in his stretch car and trailer:)  This one time, my horse in 9th grade, Dusty, wouldn't cooperate and run for me.  We were both green and couldn't work it out so dad climbs on intending to show us both how it's done.  Somehow, he and the horse both ended up in the ditch muddy and wet!  LOL, he was so mad.  She was more cooperative after that though.  Thanks Dad for all you taught me.  I love you.


Dad, I love this time of year!  The snow, the music, the wonder in all the childrens faces, the time with family...This time of year always takes me back, this year more than most...I remember sleeping in the back window of the car, on our all night drives to OR.   You always made us pack the night before so we could "leave early", then when we were packed you wanted to leave right at that time!  (I get that from you)  I like driving at night...can't wait to get there and have coffee with you and mom......I couldnt bear to make the trip this year so mom is coming here. I wish Casey and Lee, Toni, and Hanna would come too, but they are like you and like to stay close to home.  Mom had to say goodbye to Kita this week, but I guess you already know that since she is with you now.  I miss you dad.  Merry Christmas.


I closed your eyes for the last time.  You flew the American flag on your blade everyday. Gary told me he couldn't find anyone to run it so it just sets in their yard.  I am trying to move on but it is so hard.  You  are everywhere I go in some way.  I miss dancing with you.  I miss your karaoke songs.  I miss you next to me.  I miss you playing with Richard. 

Gary & Carolyn

Memories as defined by Webster is recollection. I recollect that you  had to have been the original "Redneck". Who else would go to Casper , Wyo in the winter and elope. Then call your "new" brother-in-law to come get you as your car had broke down! You were always willing to help even if it meant riding herd on all the neices & nephews while all the adults went to Whitman.

I'm sure that your 5 children who have a lot of you and a little of their mother in them will do a great job in carrying on the "Family Traditions".

We will miss you. Thanks for the memories!

GAry and Carolyn


Uncle Pat I laugh at this and wish I could do it myself.  I remember living with you that summer and you having the power jonny rigged due to a fight with the electric company.  I remember the power guys coming and disconnecting things and then  as soon as they left  by golly instant power again.  If memory serves me right the water may have been the same way.  Makes me think  "you might be a redneck...."     Cant do anything but smile when I think of this.  Thanks for letting me stay with you that summer you to Karen.  Your are an amazing woman.  


10-21-2008 12:21 AM -- By: karen,  From:  

A large piece of me went with you.  I am so glad we had all those kids because they give me the strenght to go on.  Be happy whereever you are. I know you are pain free and able to go where you want again.  We will never have anyone in our lives again like you.  I love you and miss you every day.   Karen


10-20-2008 3:06 PM -- By: Brandi Johnson,  From:  

Grandpa, I love you more then words could ever say. I'm so sorry that I couldn't make it down there in time to say goodbye. I tried so hard... but I know that you know how much you mean to me and how much I'm going to miss you. You will always be my hero, and my favorite kareoke singer. I love you grandpa and I miss you so much.


10-20-2008 1:40 AM -- By: Hanna McGinn,  From:  

I don't even know how to begin to let go. I miss you more then words can even begin to describe. You are my daddy, my friend, my hero and you always will be. You will always be in my heart.  

Total Memórias: 33
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